Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Music Videos

This video is cool. Ok Go.

Man, they are awesome! Here they go again.

Funny videos

I love watching funny videos on Youtube. Here are a couple of my favorites...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Intro...hello world

Hi, I'm Nic and this is my world. I like to garden, tell jokes, play with my dog and cat, explore the woods, do gymnastics and play video games. I go to school in the kitchen (I'm homeschooled). My mom is great and she is a good teacher. I'm in 3rd grade now. I really like to learn about science and history. Math...not so much.

I have an iPod and I like to listen to The Prodigy, Thom Yorke, Smashing Pumpkins, Black Eye Peas, Coldplay, Linkin Park and Daft Punk. My dad got me a really loud stereo to listen to my music with.

I really love technology. Some of the things I like are phones, especially the iPhone. I really want to get one, but my parents keep saying NO. Just so you know, don't go to Verizon. It sucks eggs. I also like laptops, LASERs, Blu-Ray players and 3-D movies.

I have a dog named Jonas. He is a Weimaraner. He is also a lazy butt. I also have a cat named Sullivan. He's cute and cuddly. He goes exploring in the woods with me all the time. I also have chickens. I call them the Crimson Twins. Their names are Scarlett and Redhead.

Well, that's my life. Take it or leave it. Thank you for taking a look at my blog. See ya round like a donut. HAHA